Excessive buccal saliva in patients with Parkinson’s disease of the French COPARK cohort
Rascol, Olivier; Negre Pages, Laurence; Damier, Philippe; Delval, Arnaud; Derkinderen, Pascal; Destée, Alain; Fabbri, Margherita; Meissner, Wassilios G.; Rachdi, Amine; Tison, Francois; Perez Lloret, Santiago

Fecha de publicación:
Springer Wien
Journal of Neural Transmission. General Section
Tipo de recurso:
Artículo publicado
Clasificación temática:
We describe excessive buccal saliva (EBS) prevalence in patients with Parkinson’s Disease (PD) and controls of the COPARK study, its changes between “ON” and OFF” conditions and over time, its impact on Health-related Quality of life (HRQoL), and factors associated with this condition. We studied 671 ambulatory PD patients and 177 age/sex-matched controls. We defined “sialorrhea” as UPDRS item #6 (salivation) = 1 or 2; and “drooling” as item #6 = 3 or 4. SCOPA-Aut drooling score (item #2) was also available in a subset (45%) of the cohort. HRQoL was assessed by the PDQ-39 and SF-36 scales. Twenty-four months’ follow-up data were available in 401/671 patients. EBS as assessed by UPDRS was present in 38% of PD patients in the “ON” condition (“Sialorrhea”: 35%; “drooling”: 3%). There were also more PD patients reporting “drooling” than controls according to the SCOPA-Aut (49% vs 19%, p < 0.01). UPDRS salivation score was worse in the “OFF” vs “ON” condition in PD patients with motor fluctuations (0.90 ± 0.94 vs 0.54 ± 0.79, p < 0.01). UPDRS salivation score worsened after ~ 24 months of follow-up (0.47 ± 0.70 vs 0.64 ± 0.81, p < 0.01). Worse PDQ-39 scores were observed in PD patients with EBS in bivariate but not in multivariate analyses. EBS was directly related to PD duration and severity, male gender, dysphagia, hypomimia, and autonomic dysfunction (logistic regression). EBS was more frequent in PD patients than controls, worsened in the “OFF” condition and after ~ 24 months of follow-up, moderately affected HRQoL, and was correlated with indices of bradykinesia, dysphagia, and autonomic dysfunction.
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Articulos de SEDE CENTRAL
Rascol, Olivier; Negre Pages, Laurence; Damier, Philippe; Delval, Arnaud; Derkinderen, Pascal; et al.; Excessive buccal saliva in patients with Parkinson’s disease of the French COPARK cohort; Springer Wien; Journal of Neural Transmission. General Section; 127; 9-2020; 1607-1617