Capítulo de Libro
Neogene Growth of the Patagonian Andes
Título del libro: The Evolution of the Chilean-Argentinean Andes
Folguera Telichevsky, Andres
; Encinas, Alfonso; Alvarez Pontoriero, Orlando
; Orts, Darío Leandro
; Gianni, Guido Martin
; Echaurren Gonzalez, Andres
; Litvak, Vanesa Dafne
; Navarrete Granzotto, César Rodrigo
; Selles, Daniel; Tobal, Jonathan Elías
; Ramos, Miguel Esteban
; Fennell, Lucas Martín
; Fernández Paz, Lucía
; Gimenez, Mario Ernesto
; Martinez, Patricia; Ruiz, Francisco; Iannelli, Sofía

Otros responsables:
Folguera Telichevsky, Andres
; Contreras-Reyes, Eduardo; Heredia, Nemesio; Encinas, Alfonso; Iannelli, Sofía
; Oliveros, Verónica; Dávila, Federico M.; Collo, Gilda
; Giambiagi, Laura Beatriz
; Maksymowicz, Andrei; Iglesia Llanos, María Paula; Turienzo, Martín; Naipauer, Maximiliano
; Orts, Darío Leandro
; Litvak, Vanesa Dafne
; Álvarez, Orlando; Arriagada, César

Fecha de publicación:
Springer International Publishing
Clasificación temática:
After a Late Cretaceous to Paleocene stage of mountain building, the North Patagonian Andes were extensionally reactivated leading to a period of crustal attenuation. The result was the marine Traiguén Basin characterized by submarine volcanism and deep-marine sedimentation over a quasi-oceanic basement floor that spread between 27 and 22 Ma and closed by 20 Ma, age of syndeformational granitoids that cut the basin infill. As a result of basin closure, accretion of the Upper Triassic metamorphic Chonos Archipelago took place against the Chilean margin, overthrusting a stripe of high-density (mafic) rocks on the upper crust, traced by gravity data through the Chonos Archipiélago. After this, contractional deformation had a rapid propagation between 19 and 14.8 Ma rebuilding the Patagonian Andes and producing a wide broken foreland zone. This rapid advance of the deformational front, registered in synorogenic sedimentation, was accompanied at the latitudes of the North Patagonian Andes by an expansion of the arc magmatism between 19 and 14 Ma, suggesting a change in the subduction geometry at that time. Then a sudden retraction of the contractional activity took place around 13.5?11.3 Ma, accompanied by a retraction of magmatism and an extensional reactivation of the Andean zone that controlled retroarc volcanism up to 7.3?(4.6?) Ma. This particular evolution is explained by a shallow subduction regime in the northernmost Patagonian Andes, probably facilitated by the presence of the North Patagonian massif lithospheric anchor that would have blocked drag basal forces creating low-pressure conditions for slab shallowing. Contrastingly, to the south, the accretion of the Chonos Archipelago explains rapid propagation of the deformation across the retroarc zone. These processes occurred at the time of rather orthogonal to the margin convergence between Nazca and South American plates after a long period of high oblique convergence. Finally, convergence deceleration in the last 10 My could have led to extensional relaxation of the orogen.
Palabras clave:
Fold and thrust belt
Foreland basin
Archivos asociados
Capítulos de libros(IDEAN)
Folguera Telichevsky, Andres; Encinas, Alfonso; Alvarez Pontoriero, Orlando; Orts, Darío Leandro; Gianni, Guido Martin; et al.; Neogene Growth of the Patagonian Andes; Springer International Publishing; 2018; 485-511
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