Objetivo. Presentar los fundamentos epistemológicos de mi investigación sobre laiconografía visionaria de la cultura La Aguada (400-1000 d. C.) y el uso de plantaspsicoactivas en el Noroeste prehispánico de Argentina. A la luz de nuevos paradigmasrevisamos el significado y las connotaciones, tradicionalmente peyorativas, sobre elchamanismo, el animismo y los estados de consciencia no ordinarios para captarsu interrelación sinérgica. Metodología. Se desarrolla una perspectiva semiótica ?hermenéutica para abordar la interpretación del arte chamánico; entendidocomo un lenguaje sinestésico cuya significación se articula en múltiples niveles.Resultados. El chamanismo no puede comprenderse desde el paradigma occidentalmaterialista porque se trata de una cosmovisión multidimensional, energética,animista y cosmológica cuya comprensión requiere ampliar fronteras teóricas,metodológicas y experienciales. Conclusión. Sugiero que la comprensión de lasimágenes visionarias, tanto pasadas como contemporáneas, propone algo más queun problema de interpretación antropológica o iconográfica. Es una invitación alcambio de paradigmas.Abstract.Visionary shamanic art. An invitation to a shift In paradigmsObjective. To present the epistemological foundations of the research on visionary iconography of the Aguada Culture (440-1000 d.C.) and the use of psychoactive plants in the Pre-Hispanic Northwest of Argentina. In the light of new paradigms, the meaning and the traditionally pejorative connotations of the concepts of shamanism, animism and non-ordinary states of consciousness are reviewed in order to capture their synergetic interrelation. Methodology. A semiotic-hermeneutic perspective is developed to address the interpretation of shamanic art understood as a synesthetic language whose meaning is articulated at multiple levels. Results. Shamanism cannot be understood from a materialistic Western paradigm because it is a multidimensional, energetic, animistic and cosmological worldview whose understanding requires expanding theoretical, methodological and experiential frontiers. Conclusion. It issuggested that the understanding of visionary images, both from the past and contemporary ones, proposes something more than an anthropological or an iconographic interpretation problem. It is an invitation to change paradigms. Objective. To present the epistemological foundations of the research on visionary iconography of the Aguada Culture (440-1000 d.C.) and the use of psychoactive plants in the Pre-Hispanic Northwest of Argentina. In the light of new paradigms, the meaning and the traditionally pejorative connotations of the concepts of shamanism, animism and non-ordinary states of consciousness are reviewed in order to capture their synergetic interrelation. Methodology. A semiotic-hermeneutic perspective is developed to address the interpretation of shamanic art understood as a synesthetic language whose meaning is articulated at multiple levels. Results. Shamanism cannot be understood from a materialistic Western paradigm because it is a multidimensional, energetic, animistic and cosmological worldview whose understanding requires expanding theoretical, methodological and experiential frontiers. Conclusion. It is suggested that the understanding of visionary images, both from the past and contemporary ones, proposes something more than an anthropological or an iconographic interpretation problem. It is an invitation to change paradigms.
Arte chamánico visionario. Una invitación al cambio de paradigmas
Visionary shamanic art. An invitation to a shift in paradigms
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad de Caldas
Cultura y Droga
Tipo de recurso:
Artículo publicado
Clasificación temática:
Archivos asociados
Articulos de SEDE CENTRAL
Articulos de SEDE CENTRAL
Llamazares, Ana María; Arte chamánico visionario. Una invitación al cambio de paradigmas; Universidad de Caldas; Cultura y Droga; 22; 12-2015; 13-35