Biodiversity plays a crucial role in ecosystem functioning by providing essential benefits to people and improving their well-being, i.e., regulating material and non-material services; especially in cultural and natural rich landscapes, such as those found in Latin-American countries. Nevertheless, in spite of the utmost importance of sustaining human life, biodiversity is not only declining at unprecedented rates, but also this pervasive degradation has revealed both our mutual dependence and interconnectedness, with a profound need for a societal transformative change. To help meet this challenge, the aim of this work is to synthesise pertinent and state-of-the-art knowledge on biodiversity education by utilising a holistic approach and a Latin-American point of view, which will contribute towards understanding and targeting complex socio-ecological issues. The findings have unveiled an abundant number of studies in Latin American countries that have investigated the topic of teachers’ and students’ knowledge and their conceptions of biodiversity from both conventional scientific knowledge and interculturality. By promoting an integrative dialogue among these categories and their subcategories, several implications arose concerning scientists engaged in public outreach, environmental and sustainable development and science education researchers, those engaged in cultural studies, formal and non-formal education, and school teachers.
We approached the research from a hermeneutic-interpretative approach, through documentary reviews that sought to configure categories of analysis regarding the approach to biodiversity in educational processes. For this purpose, we followed the guidelines indicated by Pérez Mesa (2013a) and Castro Moreno et al. (2021) regarding the search, selection of bibliographic sources and conceptual developments in science education and intercultural study fields, and considered as the question guiding this research: What is the scientific production related to knowledge studies and conceptions of biodiversity in different Latin American educational contexts? We conducted a review of scientific articles in the databases Dialnet (, Red de Revistas Científicas de America Latina y el Caribe, España Portugal (Redalyc,, Scientific Electronic Library Online (Scielo,, Scopus (, Google Scholar (, and in websites of regionally recognised journals in the area of science education, which sometimes, although they are indexed in well-established scientific portals, such as Latindex (, the article collections were not or only partially included in the above mentioned databases (e.g., Revista de Educación en Biología, Also, we saw the need to include written academic production in conference proceedings related to science education and teacher training research trends, which are published as extra issues/volumes of regional refereed journals, because these authors‘ efforts rarely managed to be substantiated in scientific articles (e.g. Proceedings of the National Meeting of Experiences in Biology Teaching and Environmental Education - National Congress of Research in Biology Teaching, published in the journal Bio-grafía: Escritos sobre la Biología y su Enseñanza, Similarly, some refereed books were included in the documentary analysis, according to the same principles. The time frame chosen for the document search was 2004-2020, in order to survey the most recent productions. Findings related to issues such as teaching strategies led to another investigation, whose results are currently in preparation for another publication. A review of more than two hundred articles was carried out for the current contribution, of which, an initial classification was made and the 63 articles found to be relevant to this research were systematised using the following data: authors and year of publication, country and studied group and main contribution (see Table 2). With this in mind, after a dialogical process between authors and the literature, we obtained a system of categories and subcategories (Table 1) that may be characterised as follows as: (1) representing, in its broadest spectrum, regional production related to biodiversity education from not only teaching spheres, but also from an intercultural perspective, respectful of the heterogeneity of countries, educational systems and cultural groups; (2) reflecting the properties and logistics of academic production of Latin American journals, which typically publish open access and are included in regional and Iberoamerican databases (e.g., Scielo, Redalyc, Dialnet, etc.); (3) sharing and establishing innovative bridges with a global audience publications in Spanish and Portuguese, and, in this manner, providing connections and visibility to international networks of researchers and academic journals; (4) emerging inductively from the authors‘ and collaborators‘ recognition ―in the field‖ of the institutions, traditions and methods of production, communication, circulation and dissemination of educational and research practices of BDE in Latin America.