Capítulo de Libro
Feminist strike, social reproduction, and debt
Título del libro: Handbook of Research on the Global Political Economy of Work
Gago, Maria Veronica
; Cavallero, Lucia Angela

Otros responsables:
Atzeni, Maurizio
; Azzellini, Dario; Mezzadri, Alessandra; Moore, Phoebe V.; Apitzsch, Ursula

Fecha de publicación:
Edward Elgar Publishing
Clasificación temática:
The political genealogy of the valorization of reproductive labor, particularly in popular economies whose leadership is clearly feminized (as they emerged from social movements and then achieve institutional recognition), is a key point raised today by feminist economics. Markedly different forms of managing and negotiating the decline of the “male breadwinner” emerge between the popular economies. Divergent political strategies emerge from those genealogies and definitions. That is precisely where the feminist perspective on labor intervenes. In Argentina, like many other countries in the region, the debate about the remuneration of reproductive, and more generally, informalized labor overlaps with the history of social subsidies, won by demands made on the state by specific struggles for the recognition of those Feminist strike, social reproduction, and debt forms of existence that are predominately non-waged in the wake of neoliberal structural reforms.
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Capítulos de libros(SEDE CENTRAL)
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Capítulos de libros de SEDE CENTRAL
Gago, Maria Veronica; Cavallero, Lucia Angela; Feminist strike, social reproduction, and debt; Edward Elgar Publishing; 2023; 503-511
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