Este artículo analiza comparativamente los efectos de las nuevas políticas públicas para la Educación Superior que se aplicaron a nivel internacional y en particular en dos universidades latinoamericanas, la UNAM y la UNC, a partir de fines de la década de los 80. Se estudiaron además las implicaciones que tuvo la aplicación de modelos similares pero con efectos específicos en cada uno de los casos teniendo en cuenta que ambas se enfrentaron a temas comunes: la evaluación y acreditación académica e institucional así como la internacionalización. Por otro lado hicimos referencia a como las historias institucionales y culturas académicas mediaron en los modelos de gestión y comportamientos de los actores, con efectos variados en la forma de organización del conocimiento y su vinculación con la sociedad. En ambos casos el modelo clásico de educación hizo crisis, debido a la masificación, reducción del presupuesto estatal y mayores controles del gasto de inversión, llevando a las instituciones a buscar otras fuentes presupuestales y generar mecanismos para fortalecer su responsabilidad social, en el marco de la autonomía. INDIZADA EN LATINDEX This article performs a comparative analysis of the effects of the new public policies for Higher Education applied internationally, particularly at two Latin American universities, UNAM and UNC, since the end of the 1980s. The implications of applying similar models were also studied specifically for each case, taking into account that both dealt with common themes: academic and institution evaluation and accreditation, as well as internationalization. On the other hand, we referred to how the institutional histories and academic cultures mediated the management models and the behavior of the players involved, with variable effects on how knowledge is organized and its connection to society. In both cases, the classical model of education underwent a crisis, due to massification, reduction of the government budget and greater control of investment costs, leading institutions to seek other sources of funding and to generate mechanisms to strengthen their social responsibility within a framework of autonomy. This article performs a comparative analysis of the effects of the new public policies for Higher Education applied internationally, particularly at two Latin American universities, UNAM and UNC, since the end of the 1980s. The implications of applying similar models were also studied specifically for each case, taking into account that both dealt with common themes: academic and institution evaluation and accreditation, as well as internationalization. On the other hand, we referred to how the institutional histories and academic cultures mediated the management models and the behavior of the players involved, with variable effects on how knowledge is organized and its connection to society. In both cases, the classical model of education underwent a crisis, due to massification, reduction of the government budget and greater control of investment costs, leading institutions to seek other sources of funding and to generate mechanisms to strengthen their social responsibility within a framework of autonomy.
Tendencias y retos de dos universidades públicas latinoamericanas: (UNAM y UNC) ante las nuevas políticas publicas para la educación superior
Tendencies and challenges of Latin American public universities (UNAM and UNC) in relation to the new public policies for higher education
Fecha de publicación:
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Rios Grande do Sul
Tipo de recurso:
Artículo publicado
Clasificación temática:
Archivos asociados
Articulos(CCT - CORDOBA)
Vera, Maria Cristina; Tendencias y retos de dos universidades públicas latinoamericanas: (UNAM y UNC) ante las nuevas políticas publicas para la educación superior; Pontificia Universidad Católica de Rios Grande do Sul; Educação; 35; 2; 6-2012; 241-252