Capítulo de Libro
The Dialectics of Opportunity
Título del libro: Ultra-Intensity Patriarchy: Care and Gender Violence on the Paraná Tri-Border Area
Lube Guizardi, Menara
; Gonzálvez Torralbo, Herminia; López Contreras, Eleonora

Otros responsables:
Lube Guizardi, Menara

Fecha de publicación:
Springer Nature Switzerland AG
Clasificación temática:
This chapter approaches female experiences in the Paraná’s Tri-Border Area (TBA). The analysis of 30 Paraguayan women’s life histories investigates the profiles of those who are profoundly vulnerable in this region. It shows how the women’s productive and reproductive overload drives them towards border displacements. At the same time, the construction of community care, together with the search for social protection in terms of health and education, constitutes female transborder agencies. These findings propose that researching female mobility in border territories implies investigating the calculations of care performed by women and the differences in public social protection offered to them on the different sides of the border. It also implies that both elements are traversed by the tensions between formality and informality, and legality and illegality. This perspective encourages us to critically read the relationship between violations and agencies in the female border experience. It calls to expand both the reductionist readings that conceive of care overload strictly as violation factors and those that disregard the violence faced by women by assuming the border as a “space of flows.” The chapter moves forward, then, towards a dialectical reading of the border as an opportunity.
Palabras clave:
Triple-frontera del Paraná
Archivos asociados
Capítulos de libros(SEDE CENTRAL)
Capítulos de libros de SEDE CENTRAL
Capítulos de libros de SEDE CENTRAL
Lube Guizardi, Menara; Gonzálvez Torralbo, Herminia; López Contreras, Eleonora; The Dialectics of Opportunity; Springer Nature Switzerland AG; 2021; 219-239
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