Se evaluó biocompatibilidad ósea de polímeros híbridos compuestos vidrio bioactivo (MHVB) 20 %, polimerizado con diferentes proporciones quitosano (Q) y polivinil-alcohol (PVA) para matrices en ingeniería tisular ósea. MHVB con Quitosano-PVA relación 3:1 formaron Grupo a (Ga), Grupo b (Gb): 1:1 y Grupo c (Gc): 1:0, respectivamente. En defectos femorales, 6 mm Ø, conejos New Zealand, 1 mes edad, implantaron 15 matrices. Se sacrificaron 3 meses, muestras fijadas formol tamponado 10%, procesadas con y sin descalcificación. Cortes coloreados H&E y Masson-Goldner. Distinguen dos áreas: 1) matriz e interface y 2) hueso vecino. Zona 1: Ga) matriz rodeada por islotes hueso neoformado, tejidos fibroso y óseo. Gb) interior matriz áreas hueso neoformado y núcleos mineralización, tejidos fibroso y óseo. Gc) fragmentos matriz mineralizada e islotes de hueso neoformado periférico, tejido granulación e infiltrado inflamatorio. No presenta cápsula ósea. Zona 2: en todos grupos, trabéculas óseas compuestas y pagetoides. Capa osteoide espesor variable (Ga gruesa, decreciendo Gb y menor Gc) Ga: osteoblastos cúbicos y variables, múltiples capas prominentes. Gb y Gc: osteoblastos y células lining disposición normal. Todos presentaron partículas extrañas, hemorragia y congestión. Inflamación. Hubo en todas MHVB-PVA-Q neoformación ósea. Ausencia cápsula ósea Gc 1:0 demuestra mayor biocompatibilidad. Bone biocompatibility of hybrid polymer compounds bioactive glass (MHVB) 20% polymerized with different chitosan ratios (Q) and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) for bone tissue engineering scaffolds was evaluated. MHVB with chitosan-PVA 3:1 ratio made up Group A (Ga), Group B (Gb): 1:1 ratio and Group C (GC): 1:0 ratio, respectively. In femoral defects, 6 mm Ø, 15 matrices were implanted for 3 months into 1-week-old New Zealand rabbits, Samples were obtained, fixed in buffered formalin10, with and without decalcification. Serial sections were stained with H&E or Masson-Goldner. Two areas were assessed: 1) matrix and interface and 2) surrounding bone. Zone1: Ga) new bone sections surrounded by fibrous and bone tissue. Gb) little bone formed and mineralization cores surrounded by fibrous and bone tissues and Gc) mineralized matrix and new bone areas, granulation tissue and inflammation were found. There was non bone capsule. Zone 2: all groups showed bone trabeculae, compound and pagetoid type. Osteoid layer thickness was variable. Ga: cubic osteoblasts and other shapes, in multiple prominent layers. Gb and Gc: osteoblasts and lining cells were found. All groups showed foreign particles, bleeding and congestion. Inflammation. There was new bone formation in all MHVB-PVA-Q. Absenceof bone capsule in Gc demonstrates its greater biocompatibility.
Bone biocompatibility of hybrid bioactive glass-chitosan-polyvinyl alcohol 3d matrixes for tissue engineering
Missana, Liliana Raquel
; Coletta, Dante Jesus
; Vitelli, E. J.; Bumaguin, F. G.; Garbino, F.; Zabalza, F.; Jammal, María Victoria
; Pereira, M.; Feldman, Sara

Tipo del evento:
Nombre del evento:
XXXII Annual Scientific Meeting of the Tucumán Biology Association; XX Annual Scientific Meeting of the Córdoba Biology Society; XXXIII Annual Scientific Meeting of the Cuyo Biology Society and XVII Annual Meeting of the Argentine Biology Society
Fecha del evento:
Institución Organizadora:
Sociedad Argentina de Biología;
Sociedad de Biología de Cuyo;
Sociedad de Biología de Córdoba;
Sociedad de Biología de Rosario;
Título de la revista:
Tech Science Press
Clasificación temática:
Archivos asociados
Bone biocompatibility of hybrid bioactive glass-chitosan-polyvinyl alcohol 3d matrixes for tissue engineering; XXXII Annual Scientific Meeting of the Tucumán Biology Association; XX Annual Scientific Meeting of the Córdoba Biology Society; XXXIII Annual Scientific Meeting of the Cuyo Biology Society and XVII Annual Meeting of the Argentine Biology Society; San Miguel de Tucumánç; Argentina; 2015; 1-2