CIGB-300, a synthetic peptide-based drug that targets the CK2 phosphoaceptor domain. Translational and clinical research
Perea, Silvio E.; Baladron, Idania; Garcia, Yanelda; Perera, Yasser; Lopez, Adlin; Soriano, Jorge L.; Batista, Noyde; Palau, Aley; Hernández, Ignacio; Farina, Hernán Gabriel
; Garcia, Idrian; Gonzalez, Lidia; Gil, Jeovanis; Rodriguez, Arielis; Solares, Margarita; Santana, Agueda; Cruz, Marisol; Lopez, Matilde; Valenzuela, Carmen; Reyes, Osvaldo; López Saura, Pedro A.; González, Carlos A.; Diaz, Alina; Castellanos, Lila; Sanchez, Aniel; Betancourt, Lazaro; Besada, Vladimir; González, Luis J.; Garay, Hilda; Gómez, Roberto; Gomez, Daniel Eduardo
; Alonso, Daniel Fernando
; Perrin, Phillipe; Renualt, Jean Yves; Sigman, Hugo; Herrera, Luis; Acevedo, Boris

Fecha de publicación:
Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry
Tipo de recurso:
Artículo publicado
Clasificación temática:
CK2 represents an oncology target scientifically validated. However, clinical research with inhibitors of the CK2-mediated phosphorylation event is still insufficient to recognize it as a clinically validated target. CIGB-300, an investigational peptide-based drug that targets the phosphoaceptor site, binds to a CK2 substrate array in vitro but mainly to B23/nucleophosmin in vivo. The CIGB-300 proapoptotic effect is preceded by its nucleolar localization, inhibition of the CK2-mediated phosphorylation on B23/nucleophosmin and nucleolar disassembly. Importantly, CIGB-300 shifted a protein array linked to apoptosis, ribosome biogenesis, cell proliferation, glycolisis, and cell motility in proteomic studies which helped to understand its mechanism of action. In the clinical ground, CIGB-300 has proved to be safe and well tolerated in a First-in-Human trial in women with cervical malignancies who also experienced signs of clinical benefit. In a second Phase 1 clinical trial in women with cervical cancer stage IB2/II, the MTD and DLT have been also identified in the clinical setting. Interestingly, in cervical tumors the B23/nucleophosmin protein levels were significantly reduced after CIGB-300 treatment at the nucleus compartment. In addition, expanded use of CIGB-300 in case studies has evidenced antitumor activity when administered as compassional option. Collectively, our data outline important clues on translational and clinical research from this novel peptide-based drug reinforcing its perspectives to treat cancer and paving the way to validate CK2 as a promising target in oncology.
Archivos asociados
Articulos de SEDE CENTRAL
Articulos de SEDE CENTRAL
Perea, Silvio E.; Baladron, Idania; Garcia, Yanelda; Perera, Yasser; Lopez, Adlin; et al.; CIGB-300, a synthetic peptide-based drug that targets the CK2 phosphoaceptor domain. Translational and clinical research; Springer; Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry; 356; 1-2; 10-2011; 45-50