Capítulo de Libro
Mitochondrial Bioenergetics During Ischemia and Reperfusion
Título del libro: Mitochondrial Dynamics in Cardiovascular Medicine
Consolini, Alicia Elvira; Ragone, María Inés
; Bonazzola, Patricia
; Colareda, German Andres

Otros responsables:
Santulli, Gaetano
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During ischemia and reperfusion (I/R) mitochondria suffer a deficiency to supply the cardiomyocyte with chemical energy, but also contribute to the cytosolic ionic alterations especially of Ca2+. Their free calcium concentration ([Ca2+]m) mainly depends on mitochondrial entrance through the uniporter (UCam) and extrusion in exchange with Na+ (mNCX) driven by the electrochemical gradient (ΔΨm). Cardiac energetic is frequently estimated by the oxygen consumption, which determines metabolism coupled to ATP production and to the maintaining of ΔΨm. Nevertheless, a better estimation of heart energy consumption is the total heat release associated to ATP hydrolysis, metabolism, and binding reactions, which is measurable either in the presence or the absence of oxygenation or perfusion. Consequently, a mechano-calorimetrical approach on isolated hearts gives a tool to evaluate muscle economy. The mitochondrial role during I/R depends on the injury degree. We investigated the role of the mitochondrial Ca2+ transporters in the energetic of hearts stunned by a model of no-flow I/R in rat hearts. This chapter explores an integrated view of previous and new results which give evidences to the mitochondrial role in cardiac stunning by ischemia o hypoxia, and the influence of thyroid alterations and cardioprotective strategies, such as cardioplegic solutions (high K-low Ca, pyruvate) and the phytoestrogen genistein in both sex. Rat ventricles were perfused in a flow-calorimeter at either 30 or 37˚C to continuously measure the left ventricular pressure (LVP) and total heat rate (Ht). A pharmacological treatment was done before exposing to no-flow I and R. The post-ischemic contractile (PICR as %) and energetical (Ht) recovery and muscle economy (Eco: P/Ht) were determined during stunning. The functional interaction between mitochondria (Mit) and sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) was evaluated with selective mitochondrial inhibitors in hearts reperfused with Krebs-10 mM caffeine-36 mM Na+. The caffeine induced contracture (CIC) was due to SR Ca2+ release, while relaxation mainly depends on mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake since neither SL-NCX nor SERCA are functional under this media. The ratio of area-under-curves over ischemic values (AUC-ΔHt/AUC-ΔLVP) estimates the energetical consumption (EC) to maintain CIC. Relaxation of CIC was accelerated by inhibition of mNCX or by adding the aerobic substrate pyruvate, while both increased EC. Contrarily, relaxation was slowed by cardioplegia (high K-low Ca Krebs) and by inhibition of UCam. Thus, Mit regulate the cytosolic [Ca2+] and SR Ca2+ content. Both, hyperthyroidism (HpT) and hypothyroidism (HypoT) reduced the peak of CIC but increased EC, in spite of improving PICR. Both, CIC and PICR in HpT were also sensitive to inhibition of mNCX or UCam, suggesting that Mit contribute to regulate the SR store and Ca2+ release. The interaction between mitochondria and SR and the energetic consequences were also analyzed for the effects of genistein in hearts exposed to I/R, and for the hypoxia/ reoxygenation process. Our results give evidence about the mitochondrial regulation of both PICR and energetic consumption during stunning, through the Ca2+ movement.
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Capítulos de libros de INST.DE INVEST.CARDIOLOGICAS (I)
Capítulos de libros de INST.DE INVEST.CARDIOLOGICAS (I)
Consolini, Alicia Elvira; Ragone, María Inés; Bonazzola, Patricia; Colareda, German Andres; Mitochondrial Bioenergetics During Ischemia and Reperfusion; Springer; 2017; 141-167