Capítulo de Libro
Complete Characterization of Stratified Ecosystems of the Salar de Llamara (Atacama Desert)
Título del libro: Microbial Ecosystems in Central Andes Extreme Environments: Biofilms, Microbial Mats, Microbialites and Endoevaporites
Rasuk, Maria Cecilia
; Contreras Leiva, Manuel; Kurth, Daniel German
; Farias, Maria Eugenia

Otros responsables:
Farias, Maria Eugenia

Fecha de publicación:
Springer Nature Switzerland AG
Clasificación temática:
Salar de Llamara is situated in the north of the Atacama Desert, which is the driest desert and one of the most irradiated places on Earth. Besides, its subterranean hypersaline waters contain a high content of arsenic, among other compounds such as heavy metals that are poisonous to life in the concentrations present. Despite these extreme conditions, diverse microbial communities flourish in gypsum stratified ecosystems (microbial mats and evaporitic domes).Here, we reviewed all the analysis carried out in these communities, involving taxonomic and functional studies by culture-independent techniques, analysis of the physicochemical parameters of the water and its relation with the microbial ecosystems, together with pigments, mineralogy, and the microscopic view.Regarding taxonomy, the major points analyzed were: (1) the taxonomic trends at phylum level showed that Proteobacteria and Bacteroidetes were the major components of these communities. (2) A low proportion of sequences associated with the phylum Cyanobacteria were detected in all the studied samples. (3) The increased proportion of sequences that could not be affiliated with any taxonomic group that is deposited in the databases. (4) The large amount of rare phyla represented by candidate phyla, such as OD1, OP1, OD8, Hyd24-12, and NKB19.The functional analysis, carried out in these gypsum evaporite systems, revealed that there was only a minor presence of oxygenic photosynthesizers in the community, and anoxygenic photosynthesis appears as an alternative for primary production. Since the Calvin?Benson cycle was scant, the low abundance of oxygenic photosynthesizers was also related to unusual carbon fixation pathways.Regarding physicochemical parameters of the water, the most interesting results were: (1) a huge amount of arsenic; (2) high salinity; (3) low nutrients and high levels of some ions, such as sodium, sulfate, and calcium. The low dissolved oxygen in most of the set points was low, which was consistent with the low proportion of oxygenic photosynthesizers in all the samples studied.Regarding the mineralogy, gypsum mainly compounded all the evaporitic domes, and the microbial mats present halite as the main mineral component.
Archivos asociados
Capítulos de libros(PROIMI)
Rasuk, Maria Cecilia; Contreras Leiva, Manuel; Kurth, Daniel German; Farias, Maria Eugenia; Complete Characterization of Stratified Ecosystems of the Salar de Llamara (Atacama Desert); Springer Nature Switzerland AG; 2020; 153-164
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