Capítulo de Libro
Primitive vascular plants and microfossils from the Río Seco de los Castaños Formation, San Rafael Block, Mendoza Province, Argentina
Título del libro: Pre-Carboniferous evolution of the San Rafael Block, Argentina: Implications in the SW Gondwana Margin
Morel, Eduardo Manuel; Cingolani, Carlos Alberto
; Ganuza, Daniel Gustavo; Uriz, Norberto Javier; Bodnar, Josefina

Otros responsables:
Cingolani, Carlos Alberto

Fecha de publicación:
Clasificación temática:
In this contribution we describe fossil plant remains from Río Seco de los Castaños Formation, at San Rafael Block, Mendoza Province, Argentina. The fossil plants comprise non-forked and forked axeswi thout or with delicate lateral expansions, which are assigned to Bowerophylloides cf. mendozaenses and Hostinella sp. We refer them to primitive land plants and discuss about their systematic affiliation. Furthermore, we mention the presence of a diverse acritarch assemblage present in the same lithostratigraphic unit. On the basis of the taxonomical information and stratigraphic correlation, we could infer that Río Seco de los Castaños Formation has an Early Devonian age. The taphonomical conditions of this fossil association would indicate that the plants were transported some distance from their presumed coastal and riverbank habitats.Finally, studying the amount and the percentage of kaolinite within charcoal levels, warm to cool temperate paleoclimatic conditions were deduced.
Palabras clave:
Vascular plants
Lower Devonian
San Rafael Block
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Capítulos de libros de CENTRO DE INVEST.GEOLOGICAS (I)
Capítulos de libros de CENTRO DE INVEST.GEOLOGICAS (I)
Morel, Eduardo Manuel; Cingolani, Carlos Alberto; Ganuza, Daniel Gustavo; Uriz, Norberto Javier; Bodnar, Josefina; Primitive vascular plants and microfossils from the Río Seco de los Castaños Formation, San Rafael Block, Mendoza Province, Argentina; Springer; 1; 2017; 209-220
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