Esta dinámica geopolítica vinculada a la reprimarización y recolonización de territorios ricos en recursos mineros ligados a la explotación metalífera inferioriza y margina espacios-tiempos que son depositarios de una red de diferentes jerarquías, entre las que sobresalen, la jerarquía ecológica y jerarquía de capital.Desde esta aproximación decolonial queremos compartir reflexiones sobre la manera de pensar lo espacial en nuestros días, en que la producción del espacio está atravesada por un patrón de dominación de poder colonial/moderno que sistemáticamente ha negado la coexistencia de diferentes espacio-temporalidades, negando la simultaneidad de diferentes lógicas y racionalidades. Este patrón de poder que se manifiesta en territorialidades específicas mediante los intereses del capital transnacional, nos permite visibilizar la violencia epistémica que configura tales espacialidades. The geopolitical dynamics linked to the reprimarization and recolonization of territories rich in mineral resources linked to metal exploitation, inferiorizing and marginalizing space-times that are depositaries of a network of different hierarchies among which stand out, the ecological hierarchy and capital hierarchy. This pattern of power manifests itself in specific territorialities through the interests of transnational capital whose spatiality acquires a globalizing and planetary character. In the Andean region of Argentina, large-scale mineral deposits in the hands of transnational corporations are in operation. These are territorial projects consisting of enabling, intensifying capital and inserting the region into the world market. Subordinated to global capital, new modes of production and territorial organization are introduced at local and regional scales that result in new territorial configurations and socio-spatial inequalities. Thus, we observe that the communities that have had the misfortune of being located within this polygonal mining sector, face a devastating situation, since the companies, in addition to enriching themselves with the extracted, abuse the laws that facilitate the dispossession, destroying the ecosystems, contaminating water and soil with heavy metals, displacing entire communities, as well as destroying their social fabric. In this particular case, we intend to analyze how the Andean region of the South is produced as a global space for the expansion of transnational capital. The article considers the recent changes in the context of the advance of neoliberal measures at the national level and the new geopolitical world scenario with the emergence of China, processes that emphasize the reprimarization and subordination of the Andean space to global commercial and financial logics.
La configuración del espacio en territorios mineros de la región Andina del Sur de Argentina: Expansión del capital transnacional y despojo
The configuration of space in Andean region of southern Argentina mining territories: Expansion of transnational capital and dispossession
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad Academia del Humanismo Cristiano
Tipo de recurso:
Artículo publicado
Clasificación temática:
Archivos asociados
Articulos de SEDE CENTRAL
Articulos de SEDE CENTRAL
Ensabella, Beatriz; Valiente, Silvia Carina; La configuración del espacio en territorios mineros de la región Andina del Sur de Argentina: Expansión del capital transnacional y despojo; Universidad Academia del Humanismo Cristiano; Espacios; 9; 17; 19-7-2019; 87-107