Dataset join and decompress Some sequences were compressed and split in order to facilitate their download. To join the different parts the following command should be used: cat sequenceXX.bag.* > sequenceXX.bag rosbag decompress sequenceXX.bag cat sequenceXX.tar.gz.* > sequenceXX.tar.gz tar xvzf sequenceXX.tar.gz Dataset parsers A simple dataset parser is available here: To create a rosbag from the raw data use: python --images --imu --gps --calibration --odom --out sequence4.bag Note: Consider using directly to avoid previous issues with data. The parameters that we obtained for our IMU are the following: | Sensor || White Noise || Bias Sigma | accel || 0.0006367367080238862 || 0.0002643259445927608 | | gyro || 0.00028579943407611055 || 0.00007544790215216806