---- Tables ---- Supplementary Table S09 - Mapping of CHAGASTOPE-v1 data to T cruzi proteins.zip TSV file containing the detailed information to map each peptide in CHAGASTOPE-v1 microarray to their original spots in each protein of T. cruzi in this array. Supplementary Table S10 - Mapping of CHAGASTOPE-v2 data to T cruzi proteins.zip TSV file containing the detailed information to map each peptide in CHAGASTOPE-2 microarray to their original spots in each protein of T. cruzi in this array. Supplementary Table S11 - Detailed antigenic region analysis for pooled serums.zip TSV file containing the detailed information for all the antigenic regions found in CHAGASTOPE-v1 and their respective antigenicity in the pooled serums. Supplementary Table S12 - Detailed antigenic region analysis for individual serums.zip TSV file containing the detailed information for all the antigenic regions found in CHAGASTOPE-v1 and their respective antigenicity in the individual serums. ---- Files ---- Supplementary File S01 - CHAGASTOPE-v1 - Positive controls.pdf ZIP file containing a PDF with the protein profiles for the positive controls analyzed in CHAGASTOPE-v1, showing their antigenicity in the pooled serums. Supplementary File S02 - CHAGASTOPE-v1 - Profiles for proteins above 3SD.zip ZIP file containing 3 PDF files with the protein profiles for the proteins in both T.cruzi proteomes analyzed in CHAGASTOPE-v1, showing their antigenicity in the pooled serums. Only proteins that had at least one peptide above an antigenicity threshold of mode + 3 standard deviations are shown. Supplementary File S03 - CHAGASTOPE-v2 - Profiles for proteins above 2.4SD.zip ZIP file containing a PDF with the squashed protein profiles for the antigenic regions analyzed in CHAGASTOPE-v2, showing their antigenicity in the individual serums. Supplementary File S04 - CHAGASTOPE-v2 - Profiles for regions above 2.4SD.zip ZIP file containing a PDF with the squashed region profiles for the antigenic regions analyzed in CHAGASTOPE-v2, showing their antigenicity in the individual serums. Supplementary File S05a - CHAGASTOPE-v1 - Smoothed Signals.zip Supplementary File S05b - CHAGASTOPE-v2 - Smoothed Signals.zip 2 ZIP files containing several TSV files (one per serum) with the parsed signal data (normalized and then smoothed) for each peptide in each protein in CHAGASTOPE-v1 and CHAGASTOPE-v2. Supplementary File S06 - Detailed Alanine Scan for Ag2 antigen.pdf PDF file containing the detailed scheme of single residue mutational scanning of CA-2/Ag2 Antigen (TcCLB.508831.140) alongside results for one serum as example. Supplementary File S07 - Alanine Scan general results.pdf PDF file with a summary of the single residue mutational scanning experiment results for each antigen. It shows a heatmap with residue relevance for all sera and 4 sequence logos (one for all positive sera and 3 other individual examples). Supplementary File S08 - Alanine Scan results for repeats.pdf PDF file with single-residue mutagenesis of repetitive T. cruzi antigens and their multiple sequence alignment identified by Xstream output (Tandem repeat patterns identification, AM Newman 2007).