Codebook for "Vote Switching in Multiparty Presidential Systems: Evidence from the Argentine Chamber of Deputies" data.csv --congress: number of the congress (two-year-period). --period: years included in the two-year-period. --obs: internal code, number of observation. --legislator: legislator's name. --province: internal code, district that each legislator represents. --total_switching: dummy, any form of switching position from committee to roll-call vote. --fav_switching: dummy, switching from rejection or amendment in committee to voting yea on the floor. --desfav_switching: dummy, switching from support or amendment in committee to vote nay on the floor. --demobilizing: dummy, switching from any position in committee to abstention or absence on the floor. --type_legis: factor, the variable describes legislators according to their relation to their principals: (a) the political (non)alignment between the governor of the province that each legislator represents and the President, and (b) the (non)shared party affiliation between legislator and governor. It has four categories. (1) National and provincial ally, (2) Provincial ally, (3) Provincial opposition, and (4) National and provincial opposition. --ln_ENP: continuous variable, the log of the effective number of electoral parties. --sectorals: dummy, whether the bill is sectoral. Sectoral bills are those dealing with taxation and regulation, while non-sectoral bills are those that address general issues by imposing nationwide, not sector-specific, rules. --seniority: dummy for registering those representatives that were reelected at least once by the moment of certain roll-call vote. --ln_time: continuous variable, the log of the number of days between the signature of committee reports and the roll-call votes. --amendments: dummy, whether amendments were introduced during floor debates. --plurality: dummy, whether the chamber share of seats is smaller than 50 per cent. --ideological: continuous variable, ideological extremity. We use DW-NOMINATE to calculate legislator’s ideal point. Since we are interested in how extreme the position of each deputy is irrespective of the main dimension that orders voting in the Chamber, we transform the positive and negative values into absolute ones. The indicator measures how far the legislator’s ideal point is from the plenary median. --leader_yea: dummy, whether the leader votes yea. --leader_nay: dummy, whether the leader votes nay. --leader_demob: dummy, whether the leader demobilizes.